
A layer houses a set of systems which are updated/drawn on each frame
new Layer( options )


options Object number Unique ID assigned by the World
options.container Element Element which houses the Layer
options.serverMode boolean If true, a canvas will not be made false


id number
container Element
renderSystems ARRAY []
behaviorSystems ARRAY []
active boolean true
canvas document.createElement()
_serverMode boolean private false
stage new PIXI.Stage()
scene new PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer()
renderer PIXI.autoDetectRenderer()
visible boolean true


removeCanvas( )

Removes the canvas to ensure no additional drawing is done

restoreCanvas( )

Puts the layers canvas back in the container if it was removed

setZIndex( )

Set the depth layer index

zIndex number

addSystem( )

Add a new system to the layer

system System

removeSystem( )

Removes a system from the layer

system System

addEntity( )

Will attempt to add an entity to every system

entity Entity

removeEntity( )

Will attempt to remove an entity from every system

entity Entity

safeRemoveEntity( )

Will attempt to safely remove an entity from every system


draw( )

Draw the layer

delta number Time since previous update

update( )

Update the layer

delta number Amount of time since the last update