
A simple grid for finding any collisions Best used for tiled game worlds with defined boundaries
new CollisionGrid( options )


options object
options.width number Width of the game world
options.height number Height of the game world
options.cellWidth number Width of a cell. May use cellSize instead
options.cellHeight number Height of a cell. May use cellSize instead
options.cellSize number Set this if you want width and height to be the same
options.componentType number Type of component to treat as a rectangle 'Rectangle'


width number
height number
cellWidth number
cellHeight number
_grid Array private new Array()


addEntity( )

Adds an entity to the grid
Entity must have a Rectangle component

entity Entity

removeEntity( )

Removes an entity from the grid

entity Entity

moveEntity( )

Moves an Entity and updates it's position in the grid

entity Entity

Entity[] getCollisions( )

Gets the collisions for a given Entity

entity Entity